Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The State of the Stitching and Other End Stuff

First off...Happy New Year everyone!!! (this post may show a 2006 start date but it is finished in 2007)

It is amazing what I hear and get from dd's karate class. The instructor was going on with them about how they practice in class and how it can be representative of how they will perform on the test and about challenging yourself to keep trying harder so things won't be boring. It is so amazing how it can/does apply to life too. Life is a challenge and if we keep trying our best and pushing ourselves to be the best..... it can be amazing the things we can accomplish. I guess that will be my big goal(resolution) for the year is to try my best at everything I do.

Speaking of a new year......... another one is upon us and I guess it is time to start to lay out my goals/dreams for the new year as far as stitching goes. My main goal is to end the year with less WIPs than when I started it. Big dreams.....I know. Life has a habit of getting in my way, but if I can find a workable rotation(another topic for blog), then I think I can accomplish just that.

To be more specific though with this goal, I'd like to say that I finished the following:

Gift of Peace, Apache Wedding, High Flight and dd's teddy bear birth sampler. I also want to finish all of the small L*K Christmas virtues from 2006. I also will need to be involved in an exchange somewhere along the year on the CSC board.

I'd like to say I made significant distance on my first titanic piece, giggles,lady of the flag, queen of freedom and finally simply welcome as well as SAL(enchanted cottage).

2006 was a somewhat disappointing year for stitching but I am trying to improve and make my challenges for 2007!!!

Until next time!!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Holiday Wishes

I had planned to start this blog entry the other day, but just couldn't find the time or thoughts to kick start it into gear; but now I think they are coming though, this maybe short as I'm at work.

First off I want to send my deepest sympathies and prayers to a friend and her family from the Cross Stitch Crazy board on EZboard. Any time you lose a close loved one is tough; but when it is so young and sudden, it just makes it that much tougher. Love Ya Tina!!!!

Ok...with that said off to make my Christmas wish list as I'm not sure how soon I'll make it over here again and the next time might be after Christmas.

Firstly to all of the gals of the Cross Stitch Crazy board(see link above),

I wish for you smooth stitching days with no frogs, bright and sunny times in life with an occasional problem that isn't too difficult to get through. I only wish for the difficult times, because it helps to make the good times that much better and more noticable and nothing more. You gals are like the sisters I never had. You carry me through the rough times and help me celebrate my successes and I don't think I could be closer to a bunch of people like you. Thanks for always being there!!!

For my family (parents, grandmother,aunts,uncle,cousins& their families)

I wish for nothing but happy, healthy, financially secure times for the coming year. A calm non-eventful year would be nice to make things easier.

For my dd

I wish her nothing but being happy at who she is, what she does, and becoming a responsible young gal. I delight in watching her as she explores her world and finds her true loves out of life. I have loved the journey thus far and can't wait to see what more comes around the bend. I do wish that the lessons that life has to show her aren't as hard as they were on me and that some of the mannerisms don't have a way of having history repeat itself.

For my DH

I wish for him the continued understanding that when I'm in a mood, he has the continued patience to deal with me. He is so much better than I am. He deals with all of the crud(being lazy,moody or whatever) and rarely throws it back at me. I'm so lucky to have found you and have you in my life hon!!!! Thank you for just being you!!!

For the world as a whole

The hope that all people could sit down and agree to disagree over things and perhaps talk them out; deciding that terroristic acts aren't the only way to convince people that one side is right. If the world could understand that, then maybe we wouldn't have to worry about our kid's innocence being lost and what type of a world that we will leave behind for them. We would be able to see what the world has to offer and explore our diversity without causing trouble.

Finally myself

I want for myself, the time and chance to learn the habits of being organized and set to do things because I'm tired of being "last minute Charlie" on everything. I want to find the time for my hobbies without having my house not clean or missing work or whatever. I would love to learn how to do home repairs right and as good as the pros. I would love to be able to build and fix my own computers and design webpages etc well and quickly. I know though that time is the key thing in a lot of these wishes and I don't seem to have it so that would be another wish. More time for myself, friends and family.

With this, I'm closing here except to wish y'all a happy holiday season; no matter which one you celebrate!!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Crazy times ahead

Just when I thought I was finding that bit of balance in my life, the holidays have come in full force. You thought I was scarce before, that was nothing compared to the next few months.

DD will be having basketball practices on Saturday during December 9 and 16th and then games start right after the holidays on Saturday’s looks like afternoon times. Karate will have to probably shift from 1 during the week and Saturday back to 2 during the week unless practice is on 1 of those days and then Saturday, or will have to see about getting off early just during those couple of months. She will also have a belt test in there and I think a sparring competition also. So you see the entire amount of running I’m doing.

I’ll also have a hectic work schedule in January because of year-end and extra time will be spent at work, so my life is about to go crazy.

Keeping that in mind while it is a stitchathon month at Cross Stitch Crazy, I’m staying low on goals:

RR’s from another board (have 1 in possession to date and 2nd on way)
Finish Family Home Love by year - end!
Whatever else hits me and time allows!

Been kind of in a slump and just need to find my groove again