Monday, January 22, 2007

More Ramblings and trouble

Sorry it has been almost 2 weeks since I last added a topic but it has not been a fun 2 weeks. I have been hacking like crazy and still have just the tiny bits left of the "cold from H#$%$" I just want it gone already.... have stitched some but not a lot only cause I have been "vegging out "instead trying to rid myself of this. DH has some of it too and dd was fighting cold stuff last night tho this am was a very chipper self.

DD has gotten herself into trouble yet again. She didn't show us notes from the teacher about her not doing or turning in homework late yet again. The reasoning was that she didn't want to get in trouble and not belt test or play in the game this weekend. We let her do both but I'm still considering making her sit out next weeks game even though they are doing pictures afterward.

The only reason stopping me is they started with 10 girls and last week we had 2 girls sitting out ( 1 was her first time(injury) and the other also sat out the week before(not sure reasoning why)). I'm afraid of putting the team in a spot without dd but dd needs to know it is trouble if she continues to do it. It won't be just 1 game either when she hits middle/high school but until next grades come out........ She's doing without TV all week though and we may have more coming( ideas are certainly welcome). She knows that we aren't pleased with that action. I think some of it though also stems from what has been a VERY hectic close for me and I haven't been around and home. She has acted out in the past if the routine gets messed up and I think a bit of this stems from it. We will do a girls night deal, I think, Friday night as DH has to work late and dd has a busy day Saturday with karate and game, and her grandparents coming down to watch too I think.

DD passed her test and is now an Orange belt. She seemed like it was an off day but she said she was nervous. She played real well during the game though...great steals and rebounds etc. She also had a shot or 2 up I think.

Glad the Colt won their game last night otherwise I wouldn't be watching the Super Bowl. I didn't want to see Mr overrated(TB) get another ring and watch the Bears self-destruct like I knew they would if they had played the PATS. Sorry but it was Mr. V their kicker that saved them all the time and got them the 3 rings not the beloved QB as has been seen this year.

Enough ramblings between the storm lulls at work...auditors are here next week...happy happy joy joy.



Tina said...

Good luck with DD and the homework issue. I had this same problem with DS #2 last year. And like you, I hesitated to take away things where it meant a team or group would be hurt. (((hugs)))

Kristin said...

Good luck with the homework issue. And, FEEL BETTER soon!

Margaret said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! Hang in there with DD and the homework. I hope she gets things sorted out soon.

Pam @ Heart2Heart said...

Hope your feeling better now. I hate colds and have been lucky so far. No suggestions on the homework issues, but I'm sure this will happen to me too, seems they like to test things out a bit ;). Hope you figure out something that works for all involved.

Anonymous said...

I hope your dd and the homework issue work out. I'm sure you will do whats best. Congratulations on her winning the orange belt. I hope you and dh get to feeling better soon. Yahoo for the colts. I can't believe how many were rooting for the bears! Payton Manning and he whole team ROCK!